Google? Emails? Referrals? Website? Advertising?
If you don’t know where your last sale came from then you need to find out. You may be losing out on hundreds of sales, so act NOW!
Too many companies just hope their sales guys hit target, but when a sale is made do we really know where it has come from? If not, why?
We have 4 main sources of leads that come into our sales team:
Google Adwords
External referrals
Email marketing
Website tracking
All 4 of the above leads have caused us numerous issues over the years, but when you get them all working right, it can really help your sales team hit their targets. Even when they are working you really need to analyse how well they are working, you may be creating hundreds of leads through email marketing, but are they closing!?!?! If you aren’t keeping a tab on where your sales are coming from then how do you know what is working?
I can’t stress enough how important it is you invest time into getting this right. I can tell you that 11% of our business this month came from Adwords, 9% came from external referrals and 16% came from email marketing. Going into this much detail will only help you generate more leads from the source or sources that are working for you.
Don’t be naive and think that because you are hitting your targets that this can’t be increased or that you could save money from stopping a source that just isn’t working.
Ask your sales team now where there last sale came from and track every sale from now on. It may take time but time = More Sales!
If you are spending 10k a month on Adwords but 70% of your business comes from email marketing………..the penny has dropped, so ACT, NOW!!
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