Keeping your B2B Data Lists can be a time consuming task for most companies, allocating several employees to the task, pulling them away from other duties.
Without it, your marketing opportunities are severely affected, paying a huge price. Without a way to consistently approach and contact potential client you’ll lose your business a chance of acquiring repeat business and driving sales.
Data lists drop off at around 30% a year, with business naturally going out of business, changing address or people changing jobs. It’s up to you and your business to keep onto of these lists to ensure that you’re ahead of the game.
Here at MIB Business Data, we’re experts at B2B Data and maintaining it, we have some tips that may help.
Identifying Duplicates
Acquiring duplicates is inevitable with any growing B2B data list, building more and more contact details can often lead to different details for the same company. It’s best to keep an eye out while you do this to avoid any problem later down the line.
If this is ignored then this is a large portion of employee time and money wasted on contacting the same person over and over again. In the worst case scenario you lose out on a potential client or get blacklisted due to the spam you create.
Weed Out Inactives
Just as you acquire duplicates quite quickly, contact details can become inactivate just as fast. Some people leave the company and don’t inform everyone, or the company you’re trying to contact no longer exists.
Make it somebody’s job to go over your B2B Data List every 6 months or so to ensure that your marketing and sales are not affected by chasing and sale that’s not there.
Get Rid of Junk
When you’re creating your B2B Data list to get in touch with potential clients and businesses, some people will often create fake or junk emails to avoid sharing their real addresses.
These are often quite simple to spot, providing such email addresses as [email protected] or [email protected]. These are quite clearly fake email addresses used to absorb spam or marketing enquiries and must be weeded out to avoid a huge waste of time on your part. The best way is to acquire their real contact addresses is by other means, such as social media or by telephone from their website.
Keeping on top of your data list is what will drive your marketing campaigns and increase the chance of company success by avoiding these common problems.
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