We all get A LOT of cold calls and most within our office are from recruitment or SEO type companies. But around 5 months ago we got a call from a company called Lead Forensics and I am so glad they managed to get through our gate keeper.
He closed our gate keeper, now all he had to do was close the product on us!!
Lead Forensics is a lead generation tool that allows you to see who’s been on your website in live time. Around 2% of your website visitors actually call you, so what the hell are the other 98% doing? Don’t they now how much we can all help them?
They offered us a free trial for 3 months, so we thought, what the hell, let’s do it! We are now due to pay our second invoice and I can tell you now that we have already closed enough to pay for the coming months ahead.
It’s a beautiful tool to work with your current marketing activity!!
We have spoken to companies who we would never consider seeking and they are either now in our sales process or have already been closed.
One of our customers popped up on Lead Forensics, but we weren’t due to call him for 3 weeks. This particular client ordered 24 hours late. Would he have called us? Was he going to call a competitor? I don’t know, but what I do know is that Lead Forensics made sure we didn’t miss the opportunity.
I wanted to write about this tool as it’s made a huge difference to our sales team and knowing how well it’s worked for us, you should all give it ago to run a long side your current marketing activity.
But hey, if you don’t fancy getting the details of the other 98% of potential customers who have been on your website……. then it’s not for you.
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