Opening our emails every morning to people who we have never spoken to before with those GENIUS subject lines:
Budget 2016 | Register for our webinar – Expert
Knowledge Centre: Please Confirm Subscription
I can’t create a company page? [Case: 160311-007065]
All these above are subject lines on emails I have received this weekend, can you tell me how many of these I’ve opened? You’ve guessed it, not a sausage, why would I?
I wouldn’t say they are really turning me on that much, but why haven’t these companies really thought about a GOOD subject line?
Subject lines I must admit are a bit of an odd one as it’s literally one line, but is this making a huge difference to your sales/responses? From our experience, absolutely, we all have competitors so we need to stand out and a subject line is something that has made a huge impact for us when closing a deal.
Only last week Heather one of our sales guys won a deal over 4 competitors and the reason………………..Her awesome subject line.
The subject line wasn’t about us or our quote, it was about what the client wanted to achieve and how us as an organisation were going to help them hit that goal.
Some people may not notice the effort you’ve put into a subject line, but if 1 in 10 do and you won 10% more deals because if it, would you ponder on changing your “RE’s” to “how we are going to help you create revenue of 6 million in the next 18months”??
You might read this and think I’m nuts, but give it ago, what have you got to lose?
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