Don’t be afraid to cold call, master the technique and get on the phone! Follow, share, subscribe and like! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram! Add me on LinkedIn – Follow me on Snapchat “theformulaxyz” Tweet us at @theformulaxyz
We have been lucky enough to have worked with some of the best direct marketers in this industry, and learned bucket loads of amazing tips and stratergies to help us get the attention of the prospect in our marketing.
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The Formula Episode 2 – Cold Calling – how many calls should you make?
In this episode Nick tells you how many calls you or your sales team should be making each day in order to smash targets! Please comment, share, follow & like Follow me on Facebook and Instagram! Add me on LinkedIn –
The Formula Episode 1 – Paranoia
On this episode MIB’s Founder and Host of The Formula X+Y+Z = Sales! talks about who he is and how paranoia will explode your sales process! Follow, subscribe and like! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram! Tweet us at @theformulaxyz
And the number of times you have to communicate with someone before they order is…
No idea, and if anyone says they do know then please get them to call me as I’d love to find out. I see stats all over linkedin on how many times it takes a prospect to buy, but from my experience it’s totally different in each circumstance. We are all selling different […]
I’m not interested……..go away!
I receive sales calls every day from recruitment companies (thank you Total Jobs!), software companies and many more with the same introduction. Can you guess what it is? We are all guilty of it?….No? They all talk about themselves, and for a good few minutes. And they wonder why we lose […]
Don’t forget to follow up. 48% forget!
Everyone is guilty about getting excited by new enquiries to the office, from social networks, email, landing pages, google ads, but this is only the beginning. You’re so far from a sale at this stage. They will be talking to competition, probably 2 others. They will have past bad experience with […]
Honesty wins clients
Nick talks about how his company MIB has won clients over competitors by being honest.
Video: Follow Up on you Prospects
Nick talks about the importance of following up on your prospects.
Video: How to deal with a Price Objection
In sales we deal with lots of objections from a prospect. Nick talks about one way to deal with a price objection.
Video: No matter the Obstacles, Keep Focused
Negative situations can get in the way each week, sometimes everyday day! The trick is to stay focused, but how?