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Business is easy, right?

client is king 3


In theory! It should be.


I believe that anyone can set up a business.


The dream might be to be your own boss. Not have anyone to answer to. But that statement needs to be re-thought, because you always have a boss and someone to answer to……your customers.


Without customers you have no business. And after a few months or years of struggling to find them, you start wishing for the guaranteed pay cheque again. It was probably easier to achieve wasn’t it!


And I believe it is this naivety that leads to the business failure of most entrepreneurs.


So, back to the theory of business, and how easy it should be.


  1. You have a product or service.
  2. The customers you have like it.
  3. They like you and are happy to do business.


Do you now: 

  1. Rest on your laurels?
  2. Do everything in your day (you have 16hrs left after sleep!) to create the ultimate sales and marketing power house?


What you choose from the above is the difference between making it big, and being your own boss, something that so many wish for.


Because of how quickly the world is changing, starting a business and resting on your laurels is going to end one of two ways, your business dies, or you hold onto the few customers you have and spend each night worrying about paying the bills and then yourself each month.


So many choose option 1, and I just don’t get it.


It’s not the way I’m programmed. I spent the first few years in my business in a recession desperately trying to find new customer and getting my current customers to spend more, at no point could I have entertained resting on my laurels.


“So what comes with option 2. What do you have to do each day. Is it hard work?”


Yeah, it is hard work. But when you start seeing massive results, it becomes an addiction. An addiction to keep winning, growing, prospering. Its just hard to get to this place.


You have got to: learn, read, watch, try, fail, spend money, fix, try again, learn, read, watch, try, fail, spend money, get it right, high five, turn up, hustle, hustle, hustle, you get the picture!


So what are you?


An option 1 or 2?


For my tips on what I have found works check out my other content.


Related video: Client is KING!

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