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Why don’t sales professionals train?

why dont sales profs train





Why don’t sales people train?


Sports professionals
All of these professions have had to train for years just to be able to get an opportunity to do their desired occupation, and even when they have qualified they still have to constantly train so they can keep doing their job.


Sales people are very lucky that they can walk into a job and if they sell, they stay and if they don’t they go. But if we are lucky enough to be in a profession where we don’t have to train for years just to be able to get an opportunity, why on earth don’t we train once we are in a position?


I never used to train, I used to think that time is the best teacher, but hell was I wrong. Over the last 18 months I have been reading (Something I really don’t like doing), watching YouTube videos and listening to audible books.  Since I have been concentrating on these 3 resources my whole sales process has changed and looking back, WHAT WAS I DOING!!


If you are smashing your targets every month, I’m not saying totally change what you are doing as it’s clearly working, but what if you missed out on a deal 6 month ago and by watching something on You Tube gave you a new perspective on something that went wrong on that particular deal. If that sort of deal comes up again, guess what, you’ll try what you watched and I bet you now it has more chance of closing.


We all have an arsenal of sales material, most from experience within the role you are in or within your day-to-day life. But if you can train yourself and put more information within your sales arsenal, surely it’s worth a few minutes a day reading or watching? Oh and that sales target your smashing………………………Yep, now it’s being obliterated!

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